
Writers call me when they’re ready to STOP struggling TO DO EVERYTHING THEMSELVES.

Are you this writer?


One-on-one Book Coaching

For serious, roll up your sleeves, no-excuses writers ready to work with your very own certified book coach and story warrior.

(I only work with a very limited number of book coaching clients at a time.)


I’ve been offered representation by the agent of my dreams.

We've just finished signing the paperwork. Jocelyn’s coaching and editing played a huge role in this success.



What if you could write a book that dazzles your readers? 

(without getting stuck in the fiery pit of revision hell)


Imagine instead of… 

  • Wondering “is this good enough” you have the support of a coach who will help you develop and finish your book

  • Banging out stories that aren’t working if you had access to an expert to answer questions, provide feedback, help you slay doubt, and cheer you from your corner

  • Wasting your limited amount of time writing pages and pages of a book that isn’t working and getting further behind reaching your dream of publishing, you’re getting better at your craft. 

  • Getting vague (or no) feedback from your writing group, agents, and readers that confirm your book isn’t working but don’t (or can’t) give you direct actionable advice to fix it, you get personalized direction so you know exactly what you need to be focused on doing? 

  • Feeling paralyzed by fears and doubts, you have someone to be paralyzed by fear with…. Kidding! You have someone to help support and encourage you emotionally through the writing trenches. 


Three reasons why the best writers get guidance 



Writing a book is a massive undertaking.

All the ideas! All the pages!

You can spend all your life (and money) going to conferences and workshops, reading books and blogs, and still have no clue how to get your novel written.



Your life is jam-packed with a job, family, movie night, and all the other activities that keep you busy.

Whatever the reason, you don’t have twelve hours a day to sit down and stare at the computer screen until the next NYT bestseller flows from your fingertips.


Your Brain

Self-doubt, impostor syndrome, fear of failure, fear of success, perfectionism, procrastination…. You know what I’m talking about.

Is this crap? Am I too old? Am I a good writer?

And here’s the thing, when you’re writing a novel, you’re going to experience mindset issues big time. All the time.


No wonder smoke’s coming out your ears!

It becomes so much easier to open up Netflicks and binge-watch reruns of Law & Order, learn how to sculpt with chainsaws, and otherwise slowly give up on your dreams until one morning and ten years have passed and you still haven’t finished your novel. Let alone published it.

The time you do have needs to be focused. Or you’re liable to end up falling down the internet rabbit hole listening to Don’t Stop Believin’ on endless repeat. 
(**cough** I know nothing about that.)

Luckily, you can avoid all this. 

And this my friend, is where I come in.


Please allow me to introduce myself

(cue the Rolling Stones)

Hi, I’m Jocelyn, and I love helping writers write books readers can’t put down.

I’ve lived a life obsessed with stories -- not just telling them, but how they work.

I’ve been told I have a sixth-sense when it comes to story.

I've studied with Donald Maass, Christopher Vogler, Jennie Nash, Lisa Cron, John Truby, and others.

Working as an assistant to agents and editors in the book industry, I’ve learned that it’s about more than typing THE END.

You can work for years and decades on writing a book, but have no idea how the industry works, what it’s looking for, or even what makes a saleable book.

Because ultimately, if you want to publish, you need a book that sells.


Most writers put words on a page and hoping a story will magically spring from their fingertips. 

When writers ask for help, they’re told things like: 

“It’s episodic.”
“This character is too stupid to live.”
“I don’t like this part.” 
“I’m not connecting with the protagonist.” 
“This doesn’t work for me.”
“Needs more description.”
“Needs less description.” 
“You should write a thriller with zombies set on Mars. I like these books best.” 

WTF does any of that mean? 

It’s useless advice. And it’s the advice that a lot of writers, maybe you, are getting. 

Consequently, you end up locked in a grind of write, revise, write, revise.. Ad infinitum. 

That’s not how I work.  



One-on-one Book Coaching

One-one-one personalized coaching for writers ready to roll up their sleeves and get their book finished and published.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Q&A Roadmap. Before our first conversation, I’ll send you this Q&A to fill out so I can get a better idea of what’s going on in your book and with you as a writer.

  • Page Review. Twenty-four writing deadlines (4 a month). 25 pages reviewed per deadline.
    (The equivalent of a weekly developmental edit.)

  • Live Calls. Twenty-four 60-minute (4 a month), intensive, high-touch, one-on-one coaching calls.

  • Email Support. Email between deadlines for questions, brainstorming, or commiseration. 


Ready to finish writing a novel that dazzles readers?


Here’s What You Should Know Before You Click “Book Your Call”

In order to get the most out of this ONE-ON-ONE, hand-holding experience, you must be serious about publishing (indie or trad) and ready for...

  • Some tough love “no fluff” approach to writing.

  • Tangible real feedback, not just “good job” pats on the back.

  • Rolling up your sleeves and investing in your dreams.

You should also…

  • Already have a full draft, an idea, or a collection of pages. (Even if it’s a handful of notes written on napkins.)

  • Be ready to be supported so you can stop DIYing your way through your book.

  • Understand that by writing a book for publication you are creating a product to sell.

  • Ready to kick ass and take massive action. I’m going to expect you to work hard for your dreams, but it’s up to you to step up and do the work.

  • Understand that writing a book is a skillset you can learn, but it isn’t a guarantee of Nora Roberts fame.
    (Even Nora worked her ass off to get where she is.)


Ready to support your dream and get your book published?


Before working with Jocelyn, I was terrified of writing a crappy book.

Jocelyn supported me through every step of the process from defining my ideal reader and outlining my book, through many iterations of writing and reworking, and eventually getting to a complete draft of the book I'm genuinely excited to talk about for the next decade. I can't count how many times Jocelyn's questions and insights got me un-stuck.

— Vicky Brasel