you're invited to a monthly party!! 🎉🎉🎉


Last year I was well on my way to designing a virtual writing summit.

​I'd been working with a coach on the idea all winter. I finally had the framework laid out, the website developed, the list of guests ready to invite (some had already expressed interest), and everything in order to throw a week-long Cinderella’s ball. All I had to do was send out the invitations.

Then I woke up one morning and realized...

Nope. Not happening.

I wasn’t interested in any of it. At least not how traditional summit’s are set up.

(That's a whole other story for another time. If you're interested, let me know and I'll tell it.)

So instead, I took a detour in a totally different direction and invited my clients to participate in an experiment.

(My clients are always my first go to for, "Hey, wanna try something new?")

The experiment? To test drive a new idea I’d been kicking around: regularly scheduled casual topic-driven conversations between writers with professionals from a variety of industries.

​See, one of the things I’ve noticed in my work with writers is that writing a book isn’t always only about the book. ​Sure, the craft of writing is necessary, but there are two other pillars just as important to writing and publishing: brain and business.

And not thinking about those parts of the process early on can send a writer sideways later.

​Writers have a lot they want to talk about. And sometimes it’s not at all about the craft of writing.

A lot of you want to talk about project management, imposter syndrome, how to self publish, the unique Hell of marketing, or how to keep going after your book has been rejected by readers or agents.

Turns out, my clients were more than just casually interested–they actually showed up. The conversations we had blew me away.

Since then, I’ve been reworking and envisioning what the next iteration of these conversations will look like.

Which is why I'm thrilled to announce..

**Drumroll and red carpet please!**

​Fireside Chats are back! And you're invited!

​Fireside Chats are monthly conversations centered around providing resources for the three essential components of writing: brain, book, and business. ​

​These chats will be informal, casual opportunities for you to access experts in and outside the writing industry.

​My goal is for you to discover and explore new (and maybe unconventional) resources that will help you reach your goals of writing and publishing a book.

Planned chats include topics on creativity, confidence, technology, productivity, marketing, websites, success stories, and so much more.

You'll also have the opportunity to meet other writers going through the same journey as you.

The next Fireside Chat is coming next week, October 13th.

Whether your passion is traditional, self, or no clue yet, in today’s publishing world being a successful career writer requires juggling a lot of different moving parts.

A big struggle I'm seeing among my writers is finding time in their busy lives for their writing plus all the other tasks they have to do to support their books (marketing, website, admin, research, day job, etc.).

​Our October guest will be Jessica Wright, a Take No shit And Do No Harm transformation coach obsessed with continual growth and learning how to embrace change.

Jessica will be leading a conversation on "Prioritization: Reactive or Proactive."

Details of the event:

  • Date: October 13th

  • Time: 4PM PST / 7PM EST

  • Duration: 60ish minutes

  • Location: Zoom (You will receive additional information in email after you RSVP)

​Fireside Chats are FREE.

To participate (I hope you do!), click here to ​go to my website and RSVP.

Have a question? Don’t hesitate to ask.

​I look forward to seeing you!

My name is Jocelyn.

Story warrior, book lover, day dreamer, gardener, and creative. I help serious writers roll up their sleeves, get their novel ready for publishing, and reach readers. When I’m not elbow-deep in the story trenches, I’m outside world-building in my garden and battling weeds with my three criminal mastermind cats.


Don’t write another chapter until you grab the 10 Step Chapter Checklist.

Transform your chapters from blah to badass.

    Book CoachingJocelyn